SEO Quick! Terms and conditions page 3
SEO Quick - Version (3.01)
If it becomes known to the client, SEO Quick or to a Third Party, that a website outside of our Acceptable User Policy is being promoted using SEO Quick, all possible, appropriate steps will be taken in an endeavour remove our link to the site as soon as is practicable.
Anyone who experiences a problem with the web service provided by SEO Quick should raise the matter directly using our online contact form to do so, giving sufficient information to locate the material (such as an url) and clearly outlining the grounds for complaint. SEO Quick will approach the individual responsible for the material in question with a view to resolving the matter to the satisfaction of the complainant.

The following acceptable usage policy is actively and strictly enforced. SEO QUICK will not accept orders to provide search engine optimisation information for websites that include offending content. If, at a later date, SEO QUICK learn that a website, they are providing search engine optimisation for, includes offending information/material the provision of the SEO QUICK stat-counter will be revoked immediately. We will always endeavour to contact the owner of the site(s) to explain why such action has been taken.

Illegal or Litigious Content Any form of illegal, potentially libellous or defamatory content or activity including, but not limited to - The unauthorised distribution, or copying, of copyrighted software; Corrupting images or other data; Harassment; Fraud; Trafficking in obscene material; Trafficking in illegal substances.

Undesirable Content Web sites with adult content of any description; those portraying gratuitous violence of any description; those containing or promoting extreme political material; any that contain any religious material or supporting any religion; sites containing any occult material; any others relating to Hacking, Cracking, Warez, IRC or similar and sites deemed to include such things as audio, video and other downloads [unless the website owner can confirm to SEO QUICK that they are the legal, owner, operator or licence holder of the owner of the work.]
Data Protection Act NB Data collected, monitored and stored by SEO Quick is covered by the Data Protection Act 1988/2003, any subsequent amendments and/or revisions. You have a right to obtain a copy of the information we hold on you, the data subject. This will be provided once appropriate proof of identity is received along with a fee of €6.35. We will respond to any appropriate request within 40 days of the said request.

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